Zion Gate, also know as King David’s Gate, is one of the gates leading into the Old City of Jerusalem. It is also the closest gate to the Jewish Quarter aside from Dung Gate.
The gate was built by Suleiman the Magnificent as a direct continuation of the Street of the Jews, also known as the Cardo. It leads to Mount Zion, hence the name.

On May 13, 1948, as the British Army withdrew from Jerusalem, a major from the Suffolk Regiment presented Mordechai Weingarten with the key for the Zion Gate.
The bullet holes on the facade of the gate are remnants of Israel’s War of Independence that took place later that year. In the picture, you can see countless dimples left in the wall.
Mount Zion, which is located next to Zion Gate, is where you will find the closest parking space to the Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall for non-residents.
To get to the gate from Jaffa Road, walk past Jaffa Gate and continue following the wall. When you reach the end of the wall, turn left to follow the southern wall.
The next gate you meet is Zion Gate, and if you continue, you will reach Dung Gate, which leads directly to the Western Wall.
To get to the Jewish Quarter and Western Wall from Zion Gate, enter the gate, walk to your right, and follow the path.
You will reach the Jewish Quarter after about five minutes walking along the southern wall of the Old City.
If you continue for another five minutes, until you reach the area of Dung Gate and turn left, you will reach the Western Wall.